Monday, February 3, 2014

Disappointing Nick is a serious offense.

My brother Nick wanted to play this morning, but the One was too busy getting ready to go to her "job" to participate. I glared at her and threatened to shun her when she gets home (I shunned her all day Saturday for spending far more time than could possibly be necessary petting Katherine before she got up and fed us . . . more on this momentarily), but she just kept drying her hair like I wasn't even in the room. Nick may be stupid and tailless, but he is still a prince and, as such, deserves the attention due one of royal blood. If she doesn't wave around that clump of feathers with the bell attached to it for Nick when she gets home tonight, I shall be forced to take extreme measures.

Poor Nick. Look how disappointed he is. 

I wasn't sure why my shunning was not having the desired effect on Saturday. I sat out of reach on the other side of my throne from the One all afternoon while she was watching Supernatural on television, but her suffering was not as significant as it should have been. Petting me is an honor, and being deprived of this honor ought to at least result in some tears, but the One endured her punishment with remarkable fortitude. She also continued to pay attention to Katherine, even though I had made it clear that was the reason for my dissatisfaction. Perhaps she would be more likely to take me seriously if I convinced my minions to shun her as well. Or, perhaps I will leave Katherine's bloody corpse on her pillow - I bet she'd pay attention then.

The One does not take me seriously at all.
Look at my face. Clearly I mean business.
Frankly, she's lucky to be alive.

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